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DNA: ay/ay D/D no brindle no pied
STUD FEE: $2,000

Biggie "Smalls" is our resident redhead and gingerbread man! He is a fully standard Red Sable French Bulldog. 20 perfect pounds of the best bone, head, muscle content, angles, backlines, AND breathing that you will find in a stud! He is everything we look for structurally and clinically to meet our RVF standards, as well as to match what AKC says is correct breed standard. His character is just the best too! He is so easy, chill and go with the flow. About nothing dishevels him, but he does love to play and has a hilarious personality! We fell in love with him after we used him for Wilma's 1st litter and saw what great babies he made with our RVF girls. We are so thankful to Laurel Canyon to allowing us the opportunity to obtain this sweet boy.


To keep him primarily available for our program and RVF females, we are standing him to a limited number of outside females.


To reserve a breeding with Smalls, we take a $500 deposit (that goes toward the stud fee), and a signed contract. Females must be approved by our team prior to reserving with one of our studs. 

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