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(1/2 French Bulldog 1/2 Boston Terrier)
DNA: ay/ay co/CO e/EM n/S

Luna is one of our Frenchton Mommas who is a gorgeous light frosty blue brindle! She's actually half Frenchie and half Boston, but she took predominately after the Frenchie side. We breed her to purebred French Bulldog sires, so that her litters are one of our most favorite Frenchton combos, at 3/4 Frenchie and 1/4 Boston. They are basically a bigger (yes I said bigger), leaner Frenchie with more endurance. Perfect for active families! Luna is one of THEE most loyal dogs I've ever had. She is very attached to us, and isn't one of those dogs that is distractible by other people or animals if we're out and about, on a walk, etc. She is super alert, sharp, quirky as can be, focused AND she does a TON of tricks! Which is so fun! We love our Luna bell!


Luna has blessed us with beautiful past litters, every single one the picture perfect textbook Frenchton puppy. She was just spayed and retired permanently right here on our laps forever!



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