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Frenchie Puppies AVAILABLE and go-home ready in October!


OWEN!! Brie x Dozer

Owen is one of the coolest pied Frenchies we have produced to date! We can count on one hand in the period of time since 2017 how many irish/blanket pieds we have been able to produce like this... they are just so special! And mister O is a blue pied with a rad face blaze to go with it all! He is a true beefcake in every sense of the word! Lots of muscle, bone, and rolls on rope. Personality wise he is super outgoing and FUN! He loves to be involved in everything going on, and is always a front runner on the next stage. He's very social, so sweet, and an intense cuddler! Go-home ready after 10/18/24 with a full clinical physical health clear by our own Dr. Kristi, utd deworming, and 1st set of puppy vaccines!

ROO!!! Brie x Smalls

Same Momma, different Daddies from our dual-sire litter! Roo came out a Biggie Smalls 2.0. You want to know what he will look like grown out, just look at Smalls! Roo will be a touch more athletic built from Brie's influence, and a couple shades lighter of red. Like a strawberry blonde - but we call this Red Fawn in Frenchie lingo. Personality wise he is super mellow and laid back! He doesn't just trust you right off the bat, you have to allow him to get comfortable with you...but then he just wants to be a lap puppy! Super friendly and sweet, and a total couch potato vibe. Go-home ready after 10/18/24 with a full clinical physical health clear by our own Dr. Kristi, utd deworming, and 1st set of puppy vaccines!

BROCK!!! Brie x Dozer

Our little blackie boy Brock was born with a full cleft palate and lip. Doc has been treating him 3/x a week with laser to stimulate new tissue growth and such which we have had excellent results with! We do still want to do one more small procedure in a couple weeks to hopefully tie it all together, but regardless you can't hardly tell now outside of high def close up photos.

BUT since it is an a-typical situation, he is discounted and of course pet-only. His health is perfect in every other way, this is purely cosmetic. His palate is 95% closed and he will not need corrective surgery in the future because we’ve done all the work now. Eating solids and drinking water without any issues. He's a very special story, and if he feels like he could be a fit for you, reach out!

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