On 10/21 - Sunnie delivered 3 gorgeous big healthy babies! 2 boys, 1 girl. And a cream male version of Betty which melts us all. This litter was a special nod and honor to Kerri’s late Betty girl. Same Daddy, and Mom’s are Mother/Daughter (Nelly/Sunnie). This was also Sunnie’s final retirement litter, and she is officially spayed and done. It’s kind of sad because she LOVES babies more than anything too. But we never do more than 2-3 litters period, and our Mommas mean everything to us as long term family pets too. All that to say, we will be soaking in every ‘last’ moment with the angel Momma Sunnie, and her last 3 cherubs. Kerri gave them the best honorary names, so without further ado, we have -
Blue Brindle Female: JULIENNE
Cream Male: YUKON
Sable Male: SPUD
We truly couldn’t be happier with this litter, Sunnie and Harley nailed it!! This week gets fun as their eyes and ears start to open, and they really get their first awareness of this big ol’ world. Sounds and sights, everything is a first. It’s pretty amazing.