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Zola x Dozer Breeding Complete!


Zola x Dozer full RVF in-house breeding complete. This was our first go with Dozer as he is just coming into maturity, but Doc of course handled business and got it done! Two AI’s, semen looked great, and we are so excited to have his first litter on the ground with us around 3/13! Normal people have to wait a month to confirm, but we have the repro goddess Dr. Kristi so she’ll be able to early detect and confirm the pregnancy in 2 weeks if it did take!  Also, yes I’m a loser for not having better professional photos of Dozer yet but I promise it’s on my to-do list! G and I were going one direction last weekend retrieving Smalls, and Doc and Kerri were going the other direction getting this breeding perfectly timed and worked out with a brand new stud and time sensitive ovulation.  Everything came together though! These two we aligned for health, structure and temperament. Colors we care less and less about these days because they’re all cute and preference is really in the eye of the beholder. But these parents can produce black brindle, blue brindle, fawn, or blue fawn babies. Anxious to see what happens! Also, this litter is pre-sold and fully reserved at this time. We will know more once we confirm and babies are actually here but, the best way to be in line for a pup from us is to get on the reservation list officially. :)

And while I haven't taken Dozer's official photos yet because he is still young and far from filled out, those above give you a good idea of him, and this one below gives you a good idea of his parents - Nelly & Harley. Dozer is basically a replica of his Daddy Harley, but has Nelly's sweet kind eyes and small teddy bear ears.

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